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Behavioural Euthanasia

I don’t regret my decision because it was best for you but l sure do resent having to have made that decision.

I miss you, l hope you are happy, l hope there is no fear where you are now.

I wish so much l could have saved you and l will always wish there was one last medication, one last trainer, one last procedure to try but l know in my heart that gifting you the peace you needed was the ultimate gift of love from me to you.

Rest well my Remy.

Because l value my memories, l will continue to share your magnificent face with the world.

My heart goes out to my many beautiful clients who are facing the heart ache at the moment. Remember l am with you.

4 Responses

  1. I want to thank you for providing this much needed service and support for people and their animals. I follow and read many posts, books and articles regarding education, health and the end of life decision with animals. This is my passion animals and their humans too. I keep a book of contacts I come across that I believe are reputable to have to pass on to people. I have included yours after supporting a number of friends in this situation this year. I hope this finds you well and happy.

    1. Dear Kristine,
      I am so very sorry, l missed this notification. I have just noticed now and l wanted to ‘Thank you’ so very much for your very kind words and to acknowledge what a beautiful friend you have been to those who have obviously really needed you. I hope you are looking after yourself too.

  2. Lost my beautiful little man Floyd 4th May 2023 after 16.5 terrific years together.
    Still questioning myself if I did the right thing for him. I carn’t get it out of my head that it may of been for my own selfish reasons.
    He was essentially blind and deaf and I could not take him out of his home environment anymore. He started messing in the house, losing control of bladder and occasionally number twos. He would have little head jerks as if having mini fits when I took him outside ( maybe it was a reaction to the bright light he might have been able to see)
    Slept 23 hrs a day, and not interested in going for walks anymore. Also last 3 days he would not eat his favorite steamed chicken
    IN such a world of pain, I feel like life without him is not worth the effort. I cry every day , if not on the outside , Inside

    1. Hello Willem,
      I apologise, l missed your post and for that l am truly sorry. So much time has past since your post and my hope for you is that you have moved towards a place of acceptance. I don’t believe a loss like ours every really feels okay but l hope you have been able to be a bit more gentle with you. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Floyd.

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